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Killed Pixel Games is an independent indie game studio located in Finland that consists of a single person. The goal of killed pixel games is to create games that are interesting and that challenge the player in new and unique ways.


Q: can i play your games on mac or linux?

A: not yet but maybe in the future

Q: do you do the soundtracks of your games yourself?

A: I've done a few tracks but mainly i don't. i have mostly used the the copyright free music composed by Ross Bugden but also an amazing track by ace buchannon for the maintheme of shadowrain

Q: Where did you learn to program?

A: i learned to program mostly from youtube and different websites

Q: What program do you do your games with?

A: Game maker studio 1.4,

© 2018-2024 by Toivo Suominen | Killed Pixel Games - Indie Game Studio|

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